

Fabric is geared towards the collaborative needs of the modern workspace. As such, it includes Projects.

By default, each user has a first Project: a ****collection of Data Sources, Labs, Synthesizers and Pipelines. While by default secure and isolated, other users can be added to a Project, creating a shared environment for collaboration.

Projects include a workspace-wide shared folder (accessible in Jupyter Lab and Visual Studio Code Labs, workspace) which can be used to share datasets, credentials, reports, literature or project-wide files. The contents of this folder are deleted when a Project is deleted.

Creating and deleting a Project

The Accounts pane, where Projects are managed. In the red circle, the button to delete workspaces.

The Accounts pane, where Projects are managed. In the red circle, the button to delete workspaces.

Users can create and be a part of as many Projects as they wish. To view the Projects they are a part of, create new ones and manage existing ones, they can access the sidebar > Account.

The users own’s Projects will be listed under I’m Owner of. The Projects shared with the user will be available under I’m Member of. To create a new one, the + Create Project button exists. A Project name needs to be supplied.

After that, the Project will be ready and users can be immediately added. To change between Projects, the selector on the top of Fabric can be used - the application will be refreshed to reflect the contents of the current Project.


The 🗑️ delete button is only available for Projects a user owns. The default Project - My First Project - cannot be deleted.

Adding and removing users from a Project

The video below shows how to create a new Project, add users to it and remove them. It is only possible to add users already registered within Fabric, via autocomplete. Once added, the Project will be available within a few seconds in the other users’ applications.